Next Steps


    Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and some of life’s big questions, over ten sessions. Each session starts with a meal and looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome. We encourage everyone at FCC to try Alpha by coming to the Check Out Alpha supper - for most people it's their first step in really connecting to our community.


    Discovery is the first step in our membership process. It also provides an opportunity to meet the pastors and others new to the church and ask questions about God, faith or the church.

    Coming to Discovery does not commit you to joining the church. We offer the course twice per year.


    After Alpha, we encourage everyone at FCC to join a small group, so they can truly experience a loving community where they can share, learn and be supported.

    Small groups are where 6-12 people meet regularly to study the Bible and pray and commit to spiritual growth, friendship and support. They are a safe place to share your life and ask tough questions.


    Getting baptized is a chance to show family, friends, and the local church "Yes! I've decided! I will follow Christ!"

    If you're interested in baptism, let us know!