Is there more to life than this?
Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore life, spirituality, and faith through a Christian lens. We create a non-judgemental and open environment where it’s easy for anyone who is atheist, skeptic, or coming from another religious background or just curious about faith to explore questions of life with new friends. Each session features a 25 min film. Designed to inspire more questions than provide answers, these short films explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity. After the film, you will be put into a small group. Your small group hosts will lead conversations where you can share your thoughts about faith and life and hear from the others in your group. You can feel free to say whatever you like or as little as you like, it's up to you.
Alpha is for anyone. People attend from all backgrounds, religions, and viewpoints. They come to investigate questions such as the existence of God, the purpose of life, the afterlife, the claims of Jesus and more. Some people want to get beyond religion and find a relationship with God that really changes their lives. Others come for the close, long-lasting friendships that are built during Alpha.
Millions of people around the world have taken Alpha in all kinds of churches and other places…maybe it’s your turn.
We run Alpha Sessions in the beginning of the year and in the Fall, meeting Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm. People are welcome to come and check it out. Just fill out the registration form above and we'll be in touch!
You can help support the Alpha Ministry!
Do you know someone who may be interested in Alpha?
If you have done Alpha, please invite friends, family, or anyone you know with questions to come check it out!
Join the Alpha Ministry Team: email dan.hayner@freechristian.org
Are you a committed follower of Jesus with a growing ability to facilitate a discussion? Do you have a love for people and an interest in helping them explore faith? Join the Alpha ministry team! Going through Alpha yourself and experiencing the program is the best training. We do hold a training for small group leaders and helpers and a training before the retreat. Areas of responsibility check lists are available. Alpha courses run in the fall and spring including an overnight retreat. There is some team meetings and prep in advance.