Free Christian Church has a vision that we become a house of prayer, where:
Prayer is foundational to everything we do.
Prayer is seen as experiencing the presence of God and becoming aligned with his will.
Everything we do is birthed in and sustained by prayer.
Praying together is seen as a normal and essential part of our corporate life.
Pray with those who need prayer after the service. Training online is available
Gifts and Strengths: Be a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Be a member of FCC for at least 3 years
Commitment: One service per month. September through June
Email prayer@freechristian.org for more information
All people encounter problems from time to time that hinder spiritual and/or emotional growth. These problems may result from a crisis, unwise decisions, the effects of others’ sin, the result of spiritual testing or discipline, or any number of situations that could be helped by caring Christian counsel. Whatever the cause, God calls the church to be an agent of healing and support. Others seek to deepen their relationship with God and seek assistance in this area or need to be lifted up in prayer.
Free Christian Church strives to offer Caring and Support ministries that make a real difference in the lives of people.
People serving in Caring and Support ministries are highly trained, supervised, and specifically gifted.
If you are in need of care or support, please contact Laurie Lawliss, our Pastoral Care Minister at laurie.lawliss@freechristian.org
Christian counseling is available at Free Christian Church. Many come for counseling suffering from such things as depression, anxiety, loss, grief, relationship problems, etc. Our goal is to help people achieve freedom from these hindrances that prevent an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and the ability to serve and glorify God.
Our Ministers of Counseling are licensed mental health counselors and licensed marriage and family therapists. A sliding scale fee is charged based on ability to pay. Some insurance plans may be accepted by our clinicians. Financial assistance for counseling may also be available through the FCC Communion Fund. Contact jon.paul@freechristian.org for more information.
Eileen Casto MS, LMHC, MFT, MA Ed.
tel. 978.257.5223 - eileen.casto@gmail.com
Dr. David S. Wayman, D.Min, Clinical Member AAMFT
tel. 603.898.1367
Care Groups exist to support people going through a particularly hard experience such as divorce or grief; or struggling with addiction or supporting relatives and friends in addiction or prison. Some run year round but most have a definite start and end date and run on an as-needed basis.
We'll be offering GriefShare from September 15 to December 22, 2024. To view details about this 13-week group, please click here.
For more information about Care Groups email Laurie.lawliss@freechristian.org
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is a ministry in which one person meets with another, the spiritual director, for the specific purpose of talking about the client’s spiritual life and journey. The director is someone who is trained in classic Christian spirituality and listening. The real spiritual director is God, and as the spiritual direction meetings unfold, there is a sense that the client, sometimes called the directee, and the spiritual director are on a journey together listening to God on behalf of the client.
What We Will Do?
Spiritual direction meetings are generally one hour sessions which are scheduled monthly. Each meeting starts with a few moments of quiet for centering. The client then begins to talk about whatever is going on in life, whatever questions, concerns, or thoughts that seem significant at that time. The director then asks questions, offers reflections, or makes comments that pertain to what the client is experiencing keeping God and scripture in mind in the context of the conversation. Each spiritual direction meeting ends with a time of spoken prayer, spiritually equipping the client as they go forward in life noticing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit’s presence and involvement in all of life’s blessings and challenges.
Trained Spiritual Director:
Andrea Bliss-Lerman
Minister of Spiritual Direction
e. andrea.b-l@comcast.net
The meals ministry is dedicated to providing comfort and support through nourishing meal during difficult moments. Email meals@freechristian.org to get involved or if you or someone you know may benefit from meals. You can cook a meal, deliver a meal, send a gift card or take out - whatever works best for you! Your time and generosity will make a real difference in someone’s life during a challenging time.