Young Adult Ministry
The goal of the young adult ministry at Free Christian Church (20's and 30's) is to support, equip and empower young adults to grow as disciples of Christ who are contributing their natural and spiritual gifts for building the Kingdom of God. As we grow as an intergenerational church, we want to make sure that our young adults are especially supported. Beyond young adult gatherings and events, young adults are always welcome to participate in and serve in other ministries and activities of the church: small groups, men's and women's ministry, children's ministry, etc.
Join us as we are Rooted in the Word! Rooted is a young adult small group of 22+ year-olds. While the majority of our group is in this age range, all young adults are welcome to join to see if the group is a right fit! We meet on Thursday nights from 6:30 pm - 8:00pm where we engage in fellowship, open with prayer requests, and then dive deep into the scripture we are studying. Conversations are invigorating, and hearing everyone's input leads to great discussions and learnings for all!
No sign-up is required, all you have to do is show up at Free Christian Church in the conference room at 6:30 pm on Thursdays! Feel free to contact Kendall and/or Lindsey with any questions.
Lindsey Bicknell: Lbicknell3@gmail.com
Kendall Yasi: kendallyasi@protonmail.com
From time to time we host events geared towards young adults.

Women’s Ministry
God created and designed you uniquely and purposely. Here at Free Christian we understand that and seek to provide a variety of opportunities to help you grow in your relationship with God and with other women.
The Women’s Ministry breakfasts, retreats and all of the small groups aim to grow and deepen our faith in Jesus Christ and to feel befriended, loved and supported through the fellowship of Christian women and the Word of God.
9:30-11:30am on Wednesdays
The Wednesday Women’s Community (WWC) of small groups gathers in fellowship, studies the Word of God, and lifts each other up in prayer.
New and returning women should register via this link
Join the Women’s Ministry mailing list to stay up to date on events!

Men’s Ministry
Men’s Ministries at Free Christian Church is a vibrant, active ministry of small groups, breakfasts and worship services for men, outdoor activities, and opportunities to serve our community. Beneath this variety of activities is a common theme and structure that helps to organize men’s ministries to be faithful and consistent.
Men's Breakfast is from 7:30-9:30 am on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Free Christian Church. Coffee is ready at 7:15 am. Come enjoy breakfast and fellowship!
Running September - June
Join one of our men’s small groups!
Please mail the leader of the group to find out how to join.

Senior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adult Ministry supports senior adult men and women (50+) who would like to get together for Christian fellowship!
This group is for senior adult men and women who would like to get together for Christian fellowship and Bible study.
This group meets on Fridays in-person in the Lower Hall 9:30-11:30am
Contact Laurie, laurie.lawliss@freechristian.org for more information.
Posted In: Senior Adults
Email Laurie.lawliss@freechristian.org to join!
Parish Partners is the senior adult outreach ministry at Free Christian Church. The ministry shares God’s love with senior adults from our congregation, nursing home residents and seniors within the community.
For more information and get involved, email: laurie.lawliss@freechristian.org