Men’s Ministries at Free Christian Church is a vibrant, active ministry of small groups, breakfasts and worship services for men, outdoor activities, and opportunities to serve our community. Beneath this variety of activities is a common theme and structure that helps to organize men’s ministries to be faithful and consistent.
Our greatest calling in life is to know God, to walk with Him, and to make Him known. These are the fundamentals of a life of discipleship. To cultivate a life of intentional discipleship, we highly encourage all men to get involved in a small group and/or discipleship group (sometimes called “triads”). These groups help us stay responsive to God’s leading in our lives and to apply God’s Word.
If you are interested in triads, these are often best formed around pre-existing small group relationships, but not always. Be bold and invite others along on this journey!
For resources and support, please reach out to Pastor Dan Hayner: dan.hayner@freechristian.org.
A call to discipleship…
Men’s Small Groups:
Men’s small groups meet to study, pray, worship, and serve. These small groups not only serve the spiritual needs of the men involved but also serve as a vital opportunity for men to gather in a safe environment and learn from other Christian men about a variety of issues that they may face. Within these groups, strong friendships are built and grown in the common belief that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord.
For additional information regarding Men’s Ministries, please email men@freechristian.org